Join forces with one thousand designers in 2025

Civil Service's Head of Policy Design, Andrew Knight, invites people to join government's design community.
Civil Service's Head of Policy Design, Andrew Knight, invites people to join government's design community.
Defra policy lab experts Toby Squire and Rhiannon Long design public services around objects that are familiar to citizens.
Designer Antonio Perra from Ministry of Justice values mapping citizen experience and systems.
Department for Education design leader Mark Edwards explains how his team are working in new ways to rapidly design public services.
Design researcher Joyce Yee considers how you might change to become a successful public designer.
Northern Ireland's former Head of Innovation Lab, Malcolm Beattie, writes about why the ability to navigate bureaucratic machine of government is so important for transforming public services.
International designers, Andrew Knight, Anni Leppänen, Susan Cullen and Josep Maria Flores Juanpere lead the discussion on what we can do now to empower designers in the future.
The power to influence politicians and the public is a critical skill for government innovators writes Northern Ireland's former Head of Innovation Lab, Malcolm Beattie
Head of Policy Design, Andrew Knight, invites people to join the UK public sector's most innovative community.
Malcolm Beattie, former head of Northern Ireland's Innovation Lab, writes about how you are the single most important part the innovation process.